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Cinema DVD Book TV Other
The Marc Pease Experience

The Marc Pease Experience

Total Film

August 2010

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Director Todd Louiso
Starring Anna Kendrick, Ben Stiller, Jason Schwartzman, Amber Wallace
Cert 15

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The combined talents of Jason Schwartzman, Ben Stiller and Anna Kendrick can’t rescue this wan, mirthless comedy, which plays like Glee minus the wit, polish and banging one-liners.

As a smarmy egotist drama teacher mounting a high-school production of The Wiz, Stiller squeezes out a few laughs while Kendrick is kooky-appealing despite the low-calibre material. But Schwartzman comes unstuck as an ill-defined a cappella-group frontman. It’s not entirely his fault, though – Todd Louiso’s draggy direction saps any energy his starry trio muster.

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